LM358N 8 pin amplifier 5pcs = £3.20 item 1321
Standard 8 pin amplifier IC widely used in many prjects
5pcs = £3.20
We have recently increased our prices. For some of our parts the price is listed in the item title , for example: 10uf 16v capacitors Item 140, 100 pieces for £1.00, we have been unable to change this. The quantities per order are correct but please look at the buy it now for correct price.
We have increased post charges due to the Royal Mail increasing their prices. They have new price ranges so we have done our best to accurately update our charges but we will be monitoring costs to check we have done this correctly. We add £1.00 for packaging and handling so if you receive an item that seems alot more than this, let us know so that we can correct it and refund you for the overpayment. Thank you.